Ed Catlett Photographic Arts

Destination Kanab Utah

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A germ of an idea

Many months ago I saw an advertisement for an early sign up discount to attend an amazing outdoor photography seminar in Kanab, UT.The early signup price for the Outsiders Photography Conference was great and I was confident in the lineup of speakers based on what I had read about a prior conference so I signed up. I had no idea about logistics at all but I knew I would figure that out.

It didn’t take me long to figure out that I wanted to drive. More specifically to drive and make it an epic photo adventure. I started planning and researching and spent weeks doing so. Weeks putting together my dream lineup of what I wanted to see and try to capture to the best of my abilities.

I landed on the general plan to take Interstate 40 and Historic Route 66 from roughly Tennessee to Arizona, branching off to anything that looked interesting. For the trip back, up to Interstate 70 for some Utah and Colorado mountains and back Eastward.

Freedom to roam was paramount. I did not want every overnight stop planned. I wanted to be free to spend the full span of daylight seeking out anything and everything that looked interesting even if it was not on my list. Yes … I had a list but it was still with the idea of flexibility. 

How it went

It was amazing. There were some challenges that I will get into over the course of the next few weeks. There wasn’t a huge amount of sleep but I knew that going in. I wanted to milk everything I could out of the daylight. 


  • 6,416 miles travelled
  • 18 states spanned (NJ, PA, WV, KY, TN, AR, OK, TX, NM, AZ, UT, CO, KS, MO, IL, VA, MD, DE)
  • 5 US National Parks (US National Parks Services –  America the Beautiful pass)
  • Overnight in 9 states
  • I don’t even know how many photos (I do some culling as I go along)
  • 3 full days of fantastic seminars
  • Attending another presentation by a renowned National Geographic photographer (my 4th now)
  • A hands on light painting seminar on location at an old movie/TV set

Here are a few teaser photos - dozens more coming in

If you have any questions, comments, requests, etc. (civil) comments are welcome. 

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