Everybody knows the iconic horror movie Friday the 13th. The movie, set at a Summer Camp with lots of surprises and a huge twist. Somewhat less known is that it was filmed in New Jersey and the camp scenes were at a Boy Scout camp.
In the early fall of 1979 Sean S. Cunningham chose the area in and around scenic Blairstown, New Jersey as the location to film his low budget horror film. The camp scenes were filmed at a Boy Scout camp No-be-bo-sco for a nice fee which ultimately helped fund renovation of the camp.
The troop my son earned his Eagle Scout rank from went to “Nobe” for a week annually. I too have enjoyed camping there several times including a Friday the 13th and the following weekend.
In the photo above is my favorite shot of scenery from the camp. I captured this on on Friday the 13th during a camping weekend. It wasn’t perfectly dark but dark enough. I used a flashlight to paint in some light on the opposite shore.
This particular night I was out there alone and it was late. Now I didn’t think Jason Voorhees (or you know who) was going to climb up out of the lake to get me but there were some odd sounds. I figured they were boy scouts or maybe bears. Bears won’t generally attack but still disconcerting.
The following photos are some I have taken over the years.
Some Flora
I haven’t spent a huge amount of time crawling around looking for flora. When I have it was usually a result of me spotting some kind of mushroom. Mushroom identification is an art that I haven’t studied so these are all just mushrooms to me. I get my mushrooms from stores and restaurants, not woods.