Ed Catlett Photographic Arts

Who am I

I am a lifetime outdoor enthusiast, I enjoy camping, hiking, boating, etc. When I was young my parents fortunately introduced me to the Boy Scouts of America where I learned so much and eventually earned the rank of Eagle Scout. I love to capture and share what I experience, sometimes as realistically as I can but sometimes re-interpreted.

In my photography and in life in general, I tend seek out simplicity. I look for contrasts in luminosity, colors, textures and distances. For me these contrasts turn the everyday sights that we all see into something worth capturing and sharing. 

I hope you enjoy these blog posts and share them if you like. I also encourage you to check out my favorite photos and photo based creations at my ecommerce site:  https://catlettphoto.com.

If all you ever do is browse here from time to time that is great too. My intention is to ride into my sunset continuing to take photos of scenes I love and to share with anybody who wants to see them.

If you do like what you see I would love to hear from you. Please check out my contact info for how to connect on social media.