Arizona Part 2 – The Indescribably Vast Grand Canyon
Arizona’s scenery is amazing. This is the second of 2 posts I have for my brief Arizona jaunt. I really enjoyed this dry landscape so different than the forests and shore I am used to.
On to some Texas Panhandle photos!!! Awesome scenery galore
During my early 2022 road trip from New Jersey to Kanab, UT the Texas Panhandle was really the first big set of photo stops I took including some classic Route 66 must sees.
Oooklahoma where the winds comes sweepin’ down the plain 🎵🎶
A brief drive through Oklahoma on the way to Kanab On my early 2022 road trip out to Kanab my next overnight stop was in Oklahoma City, OK. My research didn’t turn up anything that was as interesting to me as the various sites in the other states so this was planned to be one […]
Destination Kanab Utah
A germ of an idea Many months ago I saw an advertisement for an early sign up discount to attend an amazing outdoor photography seminar in Kanab, UT.The early signup price for the Outsiders Photography Conference was great and I was confident in the lineup of speakers based on what I had read about a […]